Thursday, October 24, 2013

MORE ABS , are you ready ?!… Phase 2 of the bicycle crunch , STRAIGHT LEGS !
Lay on your back with your hands behind your head and elbows out wide. Then straighten your legs up to the ceiling and stack your feet, one on top of the other. Exhale and twist towards the top leg with your opposite elbow. Repeat as many times as possible with proper form carefully.

Your body achieves what your mind believes.  The number one key to reaching your fitness goals begins not with your physical condition but with your mental condition.  You have to make up your mind and believe in yourself.  Decide commit succeed.  
You can achieve any goal, no matter how big or small.  Put your mind to it and believe in yourself.  Whether you want ripped 6 pack abs or just to lose a few stuburn pounds.  
You can do it !  You can achieve anything you put your mind to.   Of course there is more beyond that, but that is the foundation.  That gives you the power to decide and commit.  
What would you like to achieve?…  
Want support,  accountability,  & helpful tools  to go along with it?.. That's where I come in.  Let's do this together.  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bicycle Crunch - Phase 1

How about some ab workouts you can easily do at home anytime with no equipment ?! Phase 1 - This is the bicycle crunch, also known as criss cross in pilates. An ab workout specifically for the obliques, muscles along the sides of your abdomen used in twisting. 
How to: Lay on your back. With your hands behind your head and elbows out wide, bend one knee in towards your chest. Have the other leg out at a 45degree angle from the floor. Keep your chin off your chest and take a deep breath in, exhale slow and twist opposite elbow to knee. Repeat as many times as possible with proper form. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Please visit my website , click on blog for gluten free recipes and fitness tips , thanks .